import os import gparser #================================================================================ class genClassDicts: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, godRoot, dictOutputDir, srcOutputDir): self.godRoot = godRoot self.dictOutputDir = dictOutputDir if srcOutputDir == '.' : self.srcOutputDir = 'Event/' else : self.srcOutputDir = srcOutputDir.replace('\\','/').replace('../','') if self.srcOutputDir[-1] != '/' : self.srcOutputDir += '/' self.packageDict = {} self.sIncludes = [] self.sDictInstances = [] self.sClassSelections = [] self.sClassExclusions = [] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def conc(self, to, src): if src not in to : to.append(src) return to #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean(self, str): str = str.replace('*','p') str = str.replace(':','_') str = str.replace(' ','_') return str #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genFirstLevelIncludes(self, godPackage): if godPackage.has_key('class'): pass elif godPackage.has_key('namespace'): pass #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genPackageDict(self,godPackage): if godPackage.has_key('class'): self.genPackageDictClass(godPackage) if godPackage.has_key('namespace'): self.genPackageDictNamespace(godPackage) return #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genPackageDictNamespace(self, godPackage): pkg_namespace = godPackage['attrs']['namespace'] for ns in godPackage['namespace']: ns_name = ns['attrs']['name'] includes_xml = '#include "%s%s.h"' % (self.srcOutputDir, ns_name) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, includes_xml) typetags = [('enum','enum'),('method','function')] for typ,tag in typetags: try: things = ns[typ] for thing in things: xml_str = ' <%s name="%s::%s::%s"/>'%(tag,pkg_namespace,ns_name,thing['attrs']['name']) self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, xml_str) except KeyError: pass return #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genPackageDictClass(self,godPackage): pkg_namespace = godPackage['attrs']['namespace'] for cl in godPackage['class']: clnamespace = cl['attrs'].get('namespace',pkg_namespace) clname = clnamespace+'::'+cl['attrs']['name'] #clname = cl['attrs']['namespace']+'::'+cl['attrs']['name'] ##clname = cl['attrs']['name'] # add include file line self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "%s%s.h"' % (self.srcOutputDir, cl['attrs']['name'])) # get the class id if cl['attrs'].has_key('id'): id = cl['attrs']['id'] sid = ' id="%08x-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' %int(id) else: sid='' cnstr = ' ') # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::vector<%s> m_std_vector_%s;' % (t1name, self.clean(t1name))) # include element for selection file self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % t1name) elif tcname.lower() == 'list': # include header file self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include ') # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::list<%s> m_std_list_%s;' % (t1name, self.clean(t1name))) # include element for selection file self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % t1name) elif tcname.lower() == 'map': t2name = t['attrs']['t2'].replace('THIS',clname) # include header file self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include ') # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::map<%s,%s> m_std_map_%s_%s;' % (t1name, t2name, self.clean(t1name), self.clean(t2name))) # include element for selection file self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (t1name,t2name)) # include iterators and 'pairs' with maps self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::map<%s,%s>::iterator m_std_map_iterator_%s_%s;' % (t1name, t2name, self.clean(t1name), self.clean(t2name))) self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (t1name,t2name)) self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::pair<%s,%s> m_std_pair_%s_%s;' % (t1name, t2name, self.clean(t1name), self.clean(t2name))) self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (t1name,t2name)) self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::pair m_std_pair_const_%s_%s;' % (t1name, t2name, self.clean(t1name), self.clean(t2name))) self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (t1name,t2name)) elif tcname == "KeyedObject": if t1name != 'int': # "GaudiKernel" hardcoded here to avoid usage of the inclusion mechanism (not nice) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/KeyedObject.h"') # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'KeyedObject<%s> m_KeyedObject_%s;' % (t1name, self.clean(t1name))) # include element for selection file ko = ' ' % (t1name) ko += ' ' ko += ' ' ko += ' ' self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ko) elif tcname == "KeyedContainer": # "GaudiKernel" hardcoded here to avoid usage of the inclusion mechanism (not nice) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/%s.h"' % tcname) # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, '%s<%s> m_%s_%s;' % (tcname, t1name, tcname, self.clean(t1name))) # Add container id to class id if cl['attrs'].has_key('id'): sid = ' id="%08x-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' %(int(id)+0x60000) # include element for selection file kc = ' ' % (tcname, t1name,sid) kc += ' ' kc += ' ' kc += ' ' self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, kc) elif tcname == "SmartRef": # "GaudiKernel" hardcoded here to avoid usage of the inclusion mechanism (not nice) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/SmartRef.h"') # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'SmartRef<%s> m_SmartRef_%s;' % (t1name, self.clean(t1name))) # include element for selection file sr = ' ' % (t1name) sr += ' ' sr += ' ' self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, sr) elif tcname == "SmartRefVector": # "GaudiKernel" hardcoded here to avoid usage of the inclusion mechanism (not nice) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/SmartRefVector.h"') self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/SmartRef.h"') self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include ') # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'SmartRefVector<%s> m_SmartRefVector_%s;' % (t1name, self.clean(t1name))) self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, 'std::vector > m_std_vector_SmartRef_%s;' % (t1name, self.clean(t1name))) # include element for selection file srv = ' ' % (t1name) srv += ' ' srv += ' ' srv += ' ' self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, srv) self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (t1name)) elif tcname == "ObjectVector": # "GaudiKernel" hardcoded here to avoid usage of the inclusion mechanism (not nice) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/%s.h"' % tcname) # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, '%s<%s> m_%s_%s;' % (tcname, t1name, tcname, self.clean(t1name))) # Add container id to class id if cl['attrs'].has_key('id'): sid = ' id="%08x-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' %(int(id)+0x20000) # include element for selection file self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (tcname, t1name,sid)) else: # "GaudiKernel" hardcoded here to avoid usage of the inclusion mechanism (not nice) self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, '#include "GaudiKernel/%s.h"' % tcname) # include template instantiation self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, '%s<%s> m_%s_%s;' % (tcname, t1name, tcname, self.clean(t1name))) # include element for selection file self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, ' ' % (tcname, t1name)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def appendFile(self, fileName, tmplname): file = open(fileName) if tmplname == 'dictionary_h': appendIncludes = 0 appendInstances = 0 for line in file.readlines(): if line.find('// begin include files') != -1 : appendIncludes = 1 elif line.find('// end include files') != -1 : appendIncludes = 0 elif line.find('// begin instantiations') != -1 : appendInstances = 1 elif line.find('// end instantiations') != -1 : appendInstances = 0 elif (appendIncludes) : self.sIncludes = self.conc(self.sIncludes, line[:-1]) elif (appendInstances) : self.sDictInstances = self.conc(self.sDictInstances, ' '.join(line[:-1].split())) elif tmplname == 'selection_xml': appendSelections = 0 appendExclusions = 0 for line in file.readlines(): if line.find('') != -1 : appendSelections = 1 elif line.find('') != -1 : appendSelections = 0 elif line.find('') != -1 : appendExclusions = 1 elif line.find('') != -1 : appendExclusions = 0 elif (appendExclusions): if line != '\n' : self.sClassExclusions.append(line) elif (appendSelections): self.sClassSelections = self.conc(self.sClassSelections, line[:-1]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def align(self, dictInstances): dictInstances2 = [] maxlen = 0; for inst in dictInstances : thislen = len(' '.join(inst.split()[:-1])) if thislen > maxlen : maxlen = thislen maxlen += 1 for inst in dictInstances : first = ' '.join(inst.split()[:-1]) second = inst.split()[-1] dictInstances2.append(' '+first.ljust(maxlen)+second) return dictInstances2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genFile(self, packagename, tmplname): #instantiate a file parser g = gparser.gparser() # the file name is the package name plus the template name (. replaces _) fileName = '%s_%s' % (packagename,tmplname.replace('_','.')) fileFullName = self.dictOutputDir+os.sep+fileName print ' File %s' % fileName, if os.path.isfile(fileFullName): print '(exists - appending)', self.appendFile(fileFullName, tmplname) # a bit of sorting self.sIncludes.sort() self.sIncludes.reverse() self.sDictInstances.sort() self.sDictInstances = self.align(self.sDictInstances) self.sClassSelections.sort() # fill the dictionary used for generation of files self.packageDict['includes'] = '\n'.join(self.sIncludes) self.packageDict['dictInstances'] = '\n'.join(self.sDictInstances) self.packageDict['classSelections'] = '\n'.join(self.sClassSelections) self.packageDict['classExclusions'] = ''.join(self.sClassExclusions) # parse the template file and generate the content for the file g.parse(self.godRoot+'templates/'+tmplname+'.tpl',self.packageDict) # open file and write the parser content to it file = open(fileFullName,'w') file.write( file.close() print ' - Done' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def doit(self,godPackage): packagename = godPackage['attrs']['name'] # fill the dictionary for the templates self.genPackageDict(godPackage) # generate dictionary header file self.genFile(packagename, 'dictionary_h') # generate selection file self.genFile(packagename, 'selection_xml')