import string import importUtils #================================================================================ class genSrcUtils(importUtils.importUtils): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): importUtils.importUtils.__init__(self) self.namespace = 'unknown::' self.generatedTypedefs = [] self.generatedEnums = [] self.generatedTypes = [] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset(self,godClass): importUtils.importUtils.reset(self,godClass) self.generatedTypedefs = [] self.generatedEnums = [] self.generatedTypes = [] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genDesc(self, godClass): s = '' classAtt = godClass['attrs'] if classAtt.has_key('desc'): # add class attribute desc s += classAtt['desc'] if godClass.has_key('desc'): # add elements desc for desc in godClass['desc']: s += desc['cont'] if len(s): s = s.replace('\n','') s = string.join(s.split()) s2 = '' # text reformatting (<80chars) while len(s): if len(s) < 77: if len(s2) : s2 += '\n * ' + s else : s2 += s s = '' else: pos = s.rfind(' ',0,77) if len(s2) : s2 += '\n * ' + s[:pos] else : s2 += s[:pos] s = s[pos+1:] s = s2 return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genTypedefs(self,modifier,godClass): s = '' if godClass.has_key('typedef'): for td in godClass['typedef']: tdAtt = td['attrs'] if tdAtt['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': s += ' /// %s\n' % tdAtt['desc'] s += ' typedef %s %s;\n' % (tdAtt['type'], tdAtt['def']) self.generatedTypedefs.append(tdAtt['def']) self.generatedTypes.append(tdAtt['def']) return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genEnums(self,modifier,godClass): s = '' if godClass.has_key('enum'): for enum in godClass['enum']: enumAtt = enum['attrs'] if enumAtt['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': self.generatedEnums.append(enumAtt['name']) self.generatedTypes.append(enumAtt['name']) indent = ' ' * (len(enumAtt['name'])+8) s += ' /// %s\n' % enumAtt['desc'] maxlenval = 0 valatt = 0 s += ' enum %s{' % ( enumAtt['name'] ) if enumAtt.has_key('value'): values = enumAtt['value'].split(',') if len(values): s += ' %s' % values[0].strip() maxlenval = len(values[0]) valatt = 1 if (len(values)>1): for value in values[1:] : s += ',\n%s %s' % ( indent, value.strip() ) maxlenval = max(maxlenval,len(value.strip())) evall = [] if enum.has_key('enumval'): if valatt : s += ',\n'+indent for eval in enum['enumval']: evalAtt = eval['attrs'] if evalAtt.has_key('value') : evall.append([evalAtt['name']+ ' = ' + evalAtt['value'], evalAtt['desc']]) else : evall.append([evalAtt['name'], evalAtt['desc']]) maxlenval = max(maxlenval,len(evall[-1][0])) maxlenval += 1 s += ' %s // %s' % ((evall[0][0]+',').ljust(maxlenval),evall[0][1]) for e in evall[1:-1]: s += '\n%s %s // %s' % (indent, (e[0]+',').ljust(maxlenval),e[1]) s += '\n%s %s // %s' % (indent, evall[-1][0].ljust(maxlenval), evall[-1][1]) s += '\n };\n' return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genEnumOstreamOverloads(self, godClass, className=''): s = '' if godClass.has_key('enum'): self.addInclude('ostream',1) for enum in godClass['enum']: enumAtt = enum['attrs'] if enumAtt['access'] == 'PUBLIC': enumType = className+'::'+enumAtt['name'] s += 'inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & s, %s e) {\n' % (enumType) s += ' switch (e) {\n' maxLen = 0 values = [] if enumAtt.has_key('value'): for v in enumAtt['value'].split(',') : name = v.split('=')[0].strip() maxLen = max(len(name),maxLen) values.append(name) if enum.has_key('enumval'): for eval in enum['enumval'] : name = eval['attrs']['name'] maxLen = max(maxLen, len(name)) values.append(name) for v in values : s += ' case %s::%s : return s << "%s";\n' % ( className, v.ljust(maxLen), v ) s += ' default : return s << "ERROR wrong value for enum %s";\n' % enumType s += ' }\n' s += '}\n\n' return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genEnumConversions(self, godClass, className=''): defs = '' maps = '' dcls = '' if godClass.has_key('enum'): for enum in godClass['enum'] : enumAtt = enum['attrs'] if enumAtt['strTypConv'] == 'TRUE': self.addInclude('GaudiKernel/VectorMap') enumType = enumAtt['name'] enumUnknown = enumAtt['unknownValue'] maxLen = 0 values = [] if enumAtt.has_key('value'): for v in enumAtt['value'].split(',') : name = v.split('=')[0].strip() maxLen = max(len(name),maxLen) values.append(name) if enum.has_key('enumval'): for eval in enum['enumval'] : name = eval['attrs']['name'] maxLen = max(maxLen, len(name)) values.append(name) dcls += ' /// conversion of string to enum for type %s\n' % enumType dcls += ' static %s::%s %sToType (const std::string & aName);\n\n' % ( className, enumType, enumType ) dcls += ' /// conversion to string for enum type %s\n' % enumType dcls += ' static std::string %sToString(int aEnum);\n' % enumType maps += ' static GaudiUtils::VectorMap & s_%sTypMap();\n' % (enumType, enumType) defs += 'inline GaudiUtils::VectorMap & %s::s_%sTypMap() {\n' % ( className, enumType, className, enumType ) defs += ' static GaudiUtils::VectorMap m;\n' % enumType defs += ' if (m.empty()) {\n' for v in values : defs += ' m.insert("%s",%s);\n' % (v, v) defs += ' };\n' defs += ' return m;\n' defs += '}\n\n' defs += 'inline %s::%s %s::%sToType(const std::string & aName) {\n' % (className, enumType, className, enumType) defs += ' GaudiUtils::VectorMap::iterator iter = s_%sTypMap().find(aName);\n' % ( enumType, enumType ) defs += ' return ( iter != s_%sTypMap().end() ? iter->second : %s );\n' % (enumType, enumUnknown) defs += '}\n\n' defs += 'inline std::string %s::%sToString(int aEnum) {\n' % (className, enumType) defs += ' GaudiUtils::VectorMap::iterator iter = s_%sTypMap().begin();\n' % (enumType, enumType) defs += ' while ( iter != s_%sTypMap().end() && iter->second != aEnum ) ++iter;\n' % enumType defs += ' return ( iter != s_%sTypMap().end() ? iter->first : "%s");\n' % (enumType, enumUnknown) defs += '}\n' return defs,maps,dcls #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genAttributes(self,modifier,godClass,namespace=0): s = '' maxLenTypNam = [0,0,0] if godClass.has_key('attribute'): for att in godClass['attribute'] : if (att['attrs']['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all') and att['attrs']['storage'] == 'TRUE' : maxLenTypNam[0] = max(maxLenTypNam[0], len(att['attrs']['type'])) maxLenTypNam[1] = max(maxLenTypNam[1], len(att['attrs']['name'])) if namespace and att['attrs'].has_key('init'): maxLenTypNam[2] = max(maxLenTypNam[1], len(att['attrs']['init'])) if godClass.has_key('relation'): for rel in godClass['relation'] : if rel['attrs']['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': typlen = len(rel['attrs']['type']) if rel['attrs']['multiplicity'] != '1' : maxLenTypNam[0] = max(maxLenTypNam[0], 9) else : maxLenTypNam[0] = max(maxLenTypNam[0], 4) maxLenTypNam[1] = max(maxLenTypNam[1], len(rel['attrs']['name'])) if godClass.has_key('SmartRelation'): for rel in godClass['SmartRelation'] : if rel['attrs']['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': maxLenTypNam[0] = max(maxLenTypNam[0], 12) maxLenTypNam[1] = max(maxLenTypNam[1], len(rel['attrs']['name'])) if namespace : maxLenTypNam[1] += 1 if maxLenTypNam[2] : maxLenTypNam[2] += 4 else : maxLenTypNam[1] += 3 if godClass.has_key('attribute'): for att in godClass['attribute'] : attAtt = att['attrs'] if (attAtt['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all') and att['attrs']['storage'] == 'TRUE' : transient = '' length = '' pointer = '' if attAtt['transient'] == 'TRUE': transient = '!' elif attAtt['pointer'] == 'TRUE': pointer = '->' elif attAtt.has_key( 'length' ): length = '[' + str( attAtt['length'] ) + ']' attType = attAtt['type'] if attType in ['bitfield8','bitfield16','bitfield','bitfield32','bitfield64']: self.bitfieldEnums[modifier.lower()] += self.genBitfield(att) if attType in ['bitfield8'] : attAtt['type'] = 'unsigned char' elif attType in ['bitfield16'] : attAtt['type'] = 'unsigned short int' elif attType in ['bitfield','bitfield32'] : attAtt['type'] = 'unsigned int' elif attType in ['bitfield64'] : attAtt['type'] = 'ulonglong' name = attAtt['name'] namespaceInit = '' if namespace : if attAtt.has_key('init') : namespaceInit = ' = %s;'%attAtt['init'] else : name = 'm_%s;' % name s += ' %s %s%s //%s%s%s %s\n' % (attAtt['type'].ljust(maxLenTypNam[0]), \ name.ljust(maxLenTypNam[1]), \ namespaceInit.ljust(maxLenTypNam[2]), \ transient, \ length, \ pointer, \ attAtt['desc']) if godClass.has_key('relation'): for rel in godClass['relation'] : relAtt = rel['attrs'] if relAtt['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': if relAtt['multiplicity'] == '1' : relType = 'TRef' self.addInclude('TRef') else: relType = 'TRefArray' self.addInclude('TRefArray') s += ' %s %s // %s\n' % (relType.ljust(maxLenTypNam[0]), ('m_%s;'%relAtt['name']).ljust(maxLenTypNam[1]), relAtt['desc']) if godClass.has_key('SmartRelation'): self.addInclude('EDMUtil/SmartRef') #if godClass['attrs'].has_key('priority') and godClass['attrs'].has_key('path'): # self.addInclude('DataRegistritionSvc/BookEDM.h') for rel in godClass['SmartRelation'] : relAtt = rel['attrs'] if relAtt['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': relType = 'SmartRef' s += ' %s %s // ||%s\n' % (relType.ljust(maxLenTypNam[0]), ('m_%s;'%relAtt['name']).ljust(maxLenTypNam[1]), relAtt['desc']) return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genTemplateAttr(self,modifier,godClass,namespace=0): s = '' maxLenTypNam = [0,0,0] attList = [] if godClass.has_key( 'template' ): for att in godClass['template']: if (att['attrs']['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all') and att['attrs']['storage'] == 'TRUE' : transient = '' length = '' pointer = '' if att['attrs']['transient'] == 'TRUE': transient = '!' elif att['attrs']['pointer'] == 'TRUE': pointer = '->' elif att['attrs'].has_key( 'length' ): length = '[' + str( attAtt['length'] ) + ']' tempType = att['attrs']['type'] + '<' tempName = att['attrs']['name'] maxLenTypNam[1] = max( maxLenTypNam[1], len(att['attrs']['name'] ) ) if namespace and att['attrs'].has_key('init'): namespaceInit = ' = %s;' % att['attrs']['init'] maxLenTypNam[2] = max( maxLenTypNam[2], len( att['attrs']['init'] ) ) attTypeList = att['typename'] depth = 0 depthLength = { 0 : len( attTypeList ) } nameLength = len(att['attrs']['type'] ) + 2 while True: if attTypeList[0].has_key( 'typename' ): tempType = tempType + attTypeList[0]['attrs']['type'] + '<' nameLength += len( attTypeList[0]['attrs']['type'] ) + 3 depthLength[depth] = depthLength[depth] - 1 depth = depth + 1 depthLength[depth] = len( attTypeList[0]['typename'] ) attTypeList = attTypeList[0]['typename'] + attTypeList[1:] else: tempType = tempType + attTypeList[0]['attrs']['type'] + ',' nameLength += len( attTypeList[0]['attrs']['type'] ) + 1 depthLength[depth] = depthLength[depth] - 1 attTypeList = attTypeList[1:] if depthLength[depth] == 0: if tempType.endswith( ',' ): tempType = tempType[:-1] tempType = tempType + '>,' depth = depth - 1 if not attTypeList: if tempType.endswith( ',' ): tempType = tempType[:-1] while depth >= 0: tempType = tempType + '>' depth = depth - 1 break maxLenTypNam[0] = max( maxLenTypNam[0], nameLength - 1 ) desc = att['attrs']['desc'] namespaceInit = '' if namespace : if att['attrs'].has_key('init') : namespaceInit = ' = %s;'%att['attrs']['init'] else : tempName = 'm_%s;' % tempName attList.append( { 'tempType' : tempType, 'tempName' : tempName, 'namespaceInit' : namespaceInit, 'transient' : transient, 'length' : length, 'pointer' : pointer, 'desc' : desc } ) if attList: for attDict in attList: s += ' %s %s%s //%s%s%s %s\n' % (attDict['tempType'].ljust(maxLenTypNam[0]), \ attDict['tempName'].ljust(maxLenTypNam[1]), \ attDict['namespaceInit'].ljust(maxLenTypNam[2]), \ attDict['transient'], \ attDict['length'], \ attDict['pointer'], \ attDict['desc']) return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genMethod(self,met,scopeName=''): s = '' indent = 0 if (scopeName and not met.has_key('code')) : return s metAtt = met['attrs'] if ( not scopeName ) : s += ' /// %s\n ' % metAtt['desc'] if metAtt.has_key('template') : s += 'template <%s>\n ' % metAtt['template'] indent += 2 if metAtt['static'] == 'TRUE': s += 'static ' indent += 7 if metAtt['virtual'] in ['TRUE','PURE']: s += 'virtual ' indent += 8 if metAtt['friend'] == 'TRUE' : s += 'friend ' indent += 7 else : if metAtt.has_key('template') : s += 'template <%s>\n' % metAtt['template'] s += 'inline ' scopeName += '::' indent += len(scopeName) + 7 constF = '' if metAtt['const'] == 'TRUE' : constF = ' const' pList = [] if metAtt.has_key('argList'): pList =['argList']) if met.has_key('arg') : pList =['arg']) metRet = '' if metAtt['type'].strip() : metRet =['type'],self.generatedTypes,scopeName) + ' ' if met.has_key('return') : metRet =['return'],self.generatedTypes,scopeName) + ' ' if not scopeName and metRet[:len(self.namespace)] == self.namespace : metRet = metRet[len(self.namespace):] indent += len(metRet) + len(metAtt['name']) s += metRet + scopeName + metAtt['name'] + '(' if len(pList): if scopeName : s += pList[0].split('=')[0] # in implementation strip off default arguments else : s += pList[0] if len(pList[1:]): for p in pList[1:]: if scopeName : s += ',\n%s %s' % (indent*' ', p.split('=')[0]) # in implementation strip off default arguments else : s += ',\n%s %s' % (indent*' ', p) s += ')' + constF if metAtt['virtual'] == 'PURE': s += ' = 0' if not scopeName : s += ';\n\n' else : s += ' \n{\n%s\n}\n\n' % met['code'][0]['cont'] return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genMethods(self,modifier,godClass,clname=''): import os s = '' if godClass.has_key('method'): for met in godClass['method']: if met['attrs']['access'] == modifier.upper() or modifier == 'all': if godClass['attrs'].has_key('scope'): self.namespace=godClass['attrs']['scope']+'::' elif godClass['attrs'].has_key('namespace'): self.namespace=godClass['attrs']['namespace']+'::' elif os.environ.has_key('GODSCOPE'): self.namespace=os.environ['GODSCOPE']+'::' else: self.namespace='LHCb::' s += self.genMethod(met,clname) self.namespace='unknown::' return s[:-1] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def comment(self,desc): "Util routine to allow multi line comments" return "\n".join(map(lambda l: "/// " + l, desc.split("\\n")))+"\n"