import tools, os #================================================================================ class importUtils: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): = self.include = [] self.stdIncludes = [] self.forwardDeclLHCb = [] self.forwardDeclGlob = {} self.forwardIncl = [] self.verbatimLHCb = [] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset(self,godClass): self.typedefenums = [] self.verbatimLHCb = [] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def addInclude(self, name, std=0): if std : if name not in self.stdIncludes : self.stdIncludes.append(name) elif name not in self.include : self.include.append(name) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseImport(self, godClass, include, stdIncludes, forwardDeclLHCb, forwardDeclGlob, forwardIncl): if godClass.has_key('import'): for imp in godClass['import']: impAtt = imp['attrs'] impName = impAtt['name'] impSoft = impAtt['soft'] if impAtt['std'] == 'TRUE' and impName not in stdIncludes : stdIncludes.append(impName) else : if impSoft == 'TRUE' or impSoft == 'FORWARDONLY': # do forward declaration stuff impNS = impAtt.get('namespace') if godClass['attrs'].has_key('scope'): myNS = godClass['attrs']['scope'] elif godClass['attrs'].has_key('namespace'): myNS = godClass['attrs']['namespace'] elif os.environ.has_key('GODSCOPE'): myNS = os.environ['GODSCOPE'] else: myNS = 'LHCb' if impNS and impNS != myNS: if not forwardDeclGlob.has_key(impNS) : forwardDeclGlob[impNS] = [impName] elif impName not in forwardDeclGlob[impNS] : forwardDeclGlob[impNS].append(impName) elif impName not in forwardDeclLHCb : forwardDeclLHCb.append(impName) if impSoft == 'TRUE' and impName not in forwardIncl : forwardIncl.append(impName) else : # do include stuff if impName not in include : include.append(impName) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genIncludes(self): s = '' for imp in self.include : if imp.find('.') != -1 : s += '#include "%s"\n' % imp else : s += '#include "%s.h"\n' % imp s += self.genStdIncludes() return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genStdIncludes(self): s = '' for imp in self.stdIncludes : s += '#include <%s>\n' % imp return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genForwardDeclsLHCb(self): s = '' for decl in self.forwardDeclLHCb : if decl not in self.include : s += 'class %s;\n' % decl.split('/')[-1] for imp in self.verbatimLHCb : s += '%s\n' % imp return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genForwardDeclsGlob(self): s = '' for k in self.forwardDeclGlob.keys(): ind = 0; for sk in k.split('::') : if sk : s += '%snamespace %s {\n' % (' '*ind, sk ) ind += 2 for ns in self.forwardDeclGlob[k] : s += '%sclass %s;\n' % (' '*ind, ns.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) ind -= 2 while (ind >= 0) : s += '%s}\n' % ( ' '*ind ) ind -= 2 return s #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genForwardIncludes(self, clName): s = '' for imp in self.forwardIncl : if imp not in self.include and imp.split('/')[-1] != clName: if imp.find('.') != -1 : s += '#include "%s"\n' % imp else : s += '#include "%s.h"\n' % imp return s